"Learn How To Meet More Women And Date With Confidence
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A Few Recent Member Transformations
Rondale, 31
Dating a fitness model
"The women I’m dating now are professionals, fitness models, and women I would love to marry. I can tell you this program definitely works.
Josh, 26
Gets more dates every week
 “I got an influx of messages online and had to stop responding because having more dates every week is a lot of work.”
Ari, 45
Now he has a girlfriend 
 "I have a girlfriend for the first time in 10 years and my confidence is through the roof!"
Anthony, 42
Has too many women calling him
"It feels like I have the pick of the litter. Women are calling and following up with me. Now I have a problem. Too many women calling me!"
Dominick, 28
Getting tons of dates
"I've had tons of dates and met tons of women, had plenty of amazing interactions and have a higher confidence level in myself."
 Tom, 23
Getting multiple hook ups
 "I’ve hooked up with multiple women, had sex with one during the program, and I’m still talking with multiple women. I was able to get much better results than I was expecting."
Matt, 31
Sleeps with new women every week
"I went from not having many interactions with women to sleeping with different women every week!"
Jon, 34
Dating good looking women
"I ended up going on several dates with very good looking women."
Adrian, 31
Approaches women & gets numbers
 "I was actually able to go out by myself to bars, approach women and get numbers"
Shayne, 26
Dates women “out of his league” 
"I have a good problem right now where I have more women that I know what to do with."
Brian, 37
Dating super hot girls
"I just finished a date with a super hot girl. The tips I got from Tripp obviously work."
Alexander, 30
In a relationship with a quality woman
"I went from not dating anyone to being in a relationship with a high quality woman. I recommend the program to guys coming out of a divorce and have no idea how to date. "
Paul, 37
Gets more matches & numbers
   "I have a lot better habits with approaching women who are attractive, getting more numbers, and getting a lot more matches. It’s worth it."
Nacho, 21
Can talk to any girl he picks
"I’ve never had a girlfriend. Now I can pick out a girl and have a decent conversation."
 Jack, 24
Confidence with girls is way up
Having that skill to know I can do this any night I go out is life changing. If you’re not getting the girls you really want, Tripp will help you get there."
Federico, 31
Gets numbers from approaching
"I was able to get several numbers from approaching. What I learned is valuable and it works."
Alex, 26
Has more sex than before
 "I've had more fulfilling dates and relationships with women. And I’ve been having more sex then I did before I started the program!"
Sean, 34
Gets 4-6 dates a week
"I’m now getting 4-6 dates a week. I’ve actually dialed it down and kept the ones I'm most interested in. Coaching has been an absolute game changer."
 Kershin, 42
She’s his girlfriend now
"I met someone and she's my girlfriend now. It's all the good stuff that I've been missing out on for so long and I finally have that."
Andrew, 56
Met a bunch of new women
"I'm a 56 year old guy. If you think you're too old for this, you're not. I met a bunch of new women, some of those dates lead to sex. It totally works."
Chris, 28
Got a wholesome girlfriend
"During the program, I got a girlfriend who is a wholesome good girl. She’s not superficial or one with ulterior motives."
Gerson, 32
Has more matches, dates, & sex
"I got more matches, more texts, and more dates. I did have sex too. I’ll tell you that. I got sex too. It finally felt good."
Stephen, 48
Gets multiple dates with women
"After coaching, I feel like a completely different person. The confidence I have has lead me to go on multiple dates with women that I want to continue with."
Sam, 31
Overcame his social anxiety
“By the end of coaching, I basically had a girlfriend... I was able to overcome my social anxiety, and now I feel comfortable enough to start conversations with anyone."
Joel, 28
Now has sex on weekends
"A year ago, I was playing Magic Gathering on a Friday night, and now I'm having sex"
Michael, 50
Gets 2nd, 3rd, and 4th dates
"I'm having much better success with online dating and getting second, third, and fourth dates. I got a system that works" 
Dustin, 37
Competent with approaching
If you’re a good guy and genuinely want to meet and love women but aren’t getting results, coaching will be good for you.
David, 41
Has better options of women
"When you get the program, you get a lot better options of women, you feel more confident, and have better skills. You have nothing to lose.
Shawn, 29
More 2nd dates than ever
"Before I started the program, dating was non-existent. I'm now going on 3-4 dates per week and getting more second dates than ever." 
Omar, 27
Has a rotation of women
"Getting numbers, going on dates, having a rotation is great. If you want to speak to women who would never approach you, this program is for you." 
Paul, 32
Converts his matches into dates
"The Tripp Advice formula was helpful for getting matches & likes and converting those into dates." 
Bradley, 27
Had sex within first week
"I took a girl home and slept with her the first week after the course. Took one home from the bar, a few from online, and one I met on a plane."
Billy, 21
Controls his convos with women
"I'm now confident when talking to women. I can control the conversation. I feel more positive about everything.
Sunil, 30
Dates 2 women every week
"My dating has improved 15 times better. I'm getting a lot of matches now. Every week I'm seeing 2 new women."
Nicolas, 23
Got a girlfriend
"Now I have a girlfriend. I wouldn’t be where I am without the coaching program." 
Russ, 49
No longer intimidated by women
"I feel in control. It's a priceless feeling to be not be intimidated by a beautiful woman. It's really effective." 
Scott, 40
Met a girl & got engaged
"After the program I met my fiancé and we got engaged. It only took over 40 years, but it was worth the wait.
Harry, 24
Approaches & gets numbers
"My coach and I worked on my approach anxiety. With practice I'm now able to approach women and get their numbers."
Kevin, 29
Got another date 2 days ago
"I'm getting dates now which is great. I recommend this to someone who doesn't know how to approach women." 
Tristan, 22
Juggling multiple women
"My dating life sucked before I did this program. Now I'm juggling multiple women.
Shall, 24
Got his confidence back
"I went through a breakup. This program helped me be secure and comfortable enough to socialize and back my words with actions." 
Brynn, 30
Multiple dates every week
"I was divorced and skeptical. The program 100% works. Now I cold approach all the time and go on multiple dates every week.
Matthew, 35
Dating more than 1 woman
"I’m now dating actively. I’m dating more than one woman at a time. I recommend this program to anyone who wants to have more fun and more love in their life.
Adam, 30
Gets 1-2 dates per week
"Since the start of the program I've 4X my dates. I'm averaging 1-2 dates per week with different girls." 
Kevin, 29
Got his first date, and getting more.
"I’m happy to say I’ve had my first date in 29 years. It went great and I’m looking forward to another date with that girl.”
David, 57
Manifested himself a lovely girlfriend.
"On the second day I met a lovely woman at the local surf club, asked for her number, and she's been around for some time.”
Kaleb, 23
Lost his virginity to a beautiful girl.
"I’m getting dates from apps, my hobbies, and approaching. I have a date every day this week, which is not sustainable, but is amazing.
Adrian, 34
Meeting girls on the trails
"I approached girls daily on the trails getting dates getting numbers. I have a lot more confidence." 
Scott, 54
Talks to random girls a lot more. 
"I've been in my own world for so long and now I'm looking around and seeing what's out there, oh man, it's gonna be one heck of a roller coaster and I'm looking forward to it." 
Tim, 37
Currently in a relationship with a girl he really likes.
"I was a hard case and struggled with dating. I now have a system to be successful with women and life.
Heath, 52
Has so many dates he has to limit them to weekends only.
"I had zero success in dating and now I have too many dates. I've got one during day and another at night and several date #2s coming up. I wish I found this sooner.
Andrew, 35
Is now in a loving relationship
"Before I was nervous and clueless. The one I was interested in, she is now my girlfriend. Without coaching I doubt I would've succeeded."